Sam's Family Spa
70-875 Dillon Rd, Desert Hot Springs
Ken & Kathy McKinney
Don & Carol Pontious
Cost ___ plus an unwrapped toy for a child.
As members voted, there will be NO gift exchange this year.
Tickets to the Follies are $43 per person. The club is paying for one ticket per couple. You must pay for the other ticket. We will collect the $43 from each couple at the November Campout. The club has to pay for all tickets ordered in early November. Therefor, you must contact Carol Pontiuous prior to November 1st to confirm your attendance at the Pal Smprings Follies Show! It is imperative we have an absolute count of those attending the show at that time.
Activities - Saturday | |
10:00pm | Meeting |
1:30pm | The Palm Springs Follies |
tba | BBQ Dinner at spa clubhouse ($10-$12) |
Activities - Sunday | |