Gary & Eddie Jo Yakel
Tapo Canyon RV Campground
4651 Tapo Canyon Rd Simi Valley
$75 for the weekend
Directions: West on the 118 towards Ventura, Exit on Tapo Canyon Road (Exit 27), Simi Vally, go up the canyon approx. 3-1/2 miles to entrance on left.
RSVP not later than May 20th
Activities - Friday | |
5:30pm | Dinner to be provided - Games to follow |
Activities - Saturday | |
8:30am | Coffee and Goodies at the Yakels Rig |
10:00am | Meeting |
11:00am | Those wishing to go to the Regan Library will leave at this time or you may stay and enjoy the campground or whatever |
5:30pm | Potluck Dinner, games and relaxing |
Activities - Sunday | |
8:30am | Coffee and Goodies at the Yakels Rig |
Full Hookups with cement pads for RV. Pets Welcom. Rest Rooms & Showers Available.